The code bases of the D9VK and DXVK projects have been merged

Held merging the code bases of the D9VK and DXVK projects. Developments D9VK carried over to the master branch of the repository DXVK extension. D9VK is assessed by the developer as ready to use and implementing almost all intended functionality. Thus, all implementations of DXGI (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure), Direct3D 11, Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 9 on top of the Vulkan graphics API will now be developed in a single code base. There is no information yet about the timing of the formation of a new significant release of DXVK, which will include support for Direct3D 9.

Let's remember that after integrating D9VK and adding support for some useful Vulkan extensions, the developer of DXVK intends to temporarily focus efforts only on fixing bugs, slowing down the expansion of functionality. A similar desire caused by fear of a decrease in the quality of the code base. Each update to the 1.4.x branch causes complaints about regressive changes that cannot be reproduced, localized and fixed. These problems require analysis of the reasons for their occurrence, otherwise leaving them uncorrected while continuing to increase functionality can only aggravate the situation and complicate the maintenance process.

Development of D9VK will continue as part of the DXVK repository in the form of a frontend, which will be the responsibility of the original D9VK developer. Plans for further development include eliminating some known problems (bumpmapping, premodulation), implementing a software cursor (in addition to the already available hardware cursor support), adding a method ComposeRects, defined in the D3D9Ex specification, and the ability to define custom border colors.


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