Lighting apartments the right way: Samsung introduces 'human-centric' LED lighting

That everything is greenhouses and greenhouses, people! That's who you need to focus on the release of LEDs with a selective spectrum. Samsung has become firstwho started the mass production of lighting LEDs as a way to suppress hormone production melatoninand to stimulate it.

Lighting apartments the right way: Samsung introduces 'human-centric' LED lighting

The production of the hormone melatonin, according to modern human health science (but there are also opposite opinions), is suppressed under the influence of the blue (blue) component in the light flux. During the day, the intensity of the blue component is higher and the low concentration of melatonin in the body increases the vital activity of a person, and in the evening it is higher, which leads to an increased level of melatonin in the body and causes drowsiness and, ultimately, falling asleep.

A city dweller rarely leaves the premises, even at work or at home. Conventional lighting fixtures, including LEDs, cannot control the level of the blue component in the luminous flux. This leads to the fact that the level of melatonin during the day can be above the norm, and in the evening and at night be lower than that of a person in the wild. Being most of the day in conditions of artificial lighting, the circadian rhythms of a person go astray and lead to a deterioration in well-being. The forums of programmers are full of complaints about insomnia and not only the wrong lifestyle is to blame for this, but also external factors in the form of "unnatural" lighting.

To improve the comfort of life and work in artificial lighting conditions, Samsung Electronics introduced the first family of "human-oriented" lighting LEDs LM302N. There are two types of devices in the family: DAY and NITE. The former, according to Samsung, due to the emphasized blue component in the spectrum, suppress the production of melatonin by 18% more than conventional lighting LEDs. LM302N NITE LEDs, on the contrary, increase the production of melatonin by 5% due to the suppressed blue component in the light flux.

At the same time, one should not think that at night the lighting LEDs shine with less intensity than during the day. In all cases, the brightness will be comfortable for work or sleep. "Invigorating" LM302N DAY LEDs, for example, can be used in workplaces and schools/universities to suppress drowsiness, while LM302N NITE LEDs can be installed in places for relaxation.

Lighting apartments the right way: Samsung introduces 'human-centric' LED lighting

A complete list of Samsung LEDs of the LM302N family can be seen in the table above. The company provided for the production of devices with different color temperatures. DAY and NITE LEDs can be used both in different luminaires and in one combined luminaire.


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