Registration of participants for the International Conference on Functional Programming is open

The twenty-fifth conference will be held under the auspices of ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) 2020. This year the conference will be held online, and all events taking place within its framework will be available online.
From July 17 to July 20, 2020 (that is, in two days) will be held ICFP competition on programming. The conference itself will be held from August 24 to 26, 2020, and will fit into two time slots.

The first slot will take place from 9:00 to 17:30 New York time, and will include both technical and social events. The second time slot will run from 9:00 to 17:30 Beijing time the next day, and will repeat the previous day's content, including technical and social events, with minor variations. This year's news is "mentor programβ€œ, which conference participants can sign up for either as a mentor or as a follower.

The 2020 conference will feature two invited speakers: Evan Czaplicki, with a report on programming language Elm) and about the difficulties accompanying the process of introducing new programming languages, as well as Audrey Tang, a Haskell language expert and Minister without Portfolio in Taiwan's Executive Yuan, gave a talk on how software developers can contribute to the fight against the pandemic.

At ICFP there will be submitted 37 articles, as well as (as an experiment) will take place presentations of 8 papers recently accepted into the Journal of Functional Programming. Symposia and workshops held in parallel with the conference (including Scheme Workshop, in which the translator of this announcement has an article) will take place on the day preceding the first day of the conference, as well as within two days following its completion.

Registration for visitors is already is open. The deadline for β€œearly registration” is August 8, 2020. Registration is not free, but the cost is significantly lower than the usual offline one, and also includes membership in SIGPLAN. Student members of ACM or SIGPLAN can attend the conference for free.


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