Registration is open for LVEE 2019 (Minsk, August 22-25)

On August 22-25, the 15th international conference of developers and users of free software "Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe" will be held near Minsk.

LVEE organizers are members of the Minsk Linux Users Group and other active members of the open source community. The conference takes place at a camp site in the vicinity of Minsk, so the participants are provided with centralized transportation from Minsk to the conference venue and back. In addition, participants traveling by private transport traditionally use the wiki section of the conference website to invite fellow travelers.

The LVEE format, as usual, is built around traditional reports, but also includes workshops and short presentations (blitzes). Topics include the development and maintenance of free software, the implementation and administration of solutions based on free technologies, and the specifics of using free licenses. LVEE covers a wide range of platforms, from workstations and servers to embedded systems and mobile devices (including but not limited to GNU/Linux-based platforms).

The conference is held in a rather informal atmosphere, but nevertheless, speakers have at their disposal both a conference hall and an open arena (for the part of the performances that will take place outdoors), as well as the necessary sound and projection equipment. As always, a printed collection of abstracts is expected to be published by the beginning of the conference.

Speakers, as well as representatives of sponsors and the press are exempt from paying the registration fee.

To participate, you need to register on the conference website.; Speakers must send abstracts before August 4th.

The Organizing Committee invites interested companies to become sponsors of the event. The list of IT companies that have expressed a desire to support LVEE 2019 currently includes EPAM Systems, SaM Solutions, COLLABORATE, percona,


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