Storm game engine open source

The source code for the Storm game engine used in the Corsairs series of role-playing games aimed at fans of naval battles has been open sourced. By agreement with the copyright holder, the code is open under the GPLv3 license. The developers hope that the availability of the code will open up new opportunities for the development of both the engine and the game itself, thanks to the introduction of innovations and fixes by the community.

The engine is written in C++ and so far only supports the Windows platform and the DirectX 9 graphics API. Plans for further development include replacing native rendering code with the cross-platform bgfx library, which, in addition to DirectX, supports OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal, and WebGL graphics APIs, and can be used on Linux, Android and FreeBSD. It is also planned to replace the built-in math library and input handling code with glm and gainput. It is planned to replace the built-in scripting language with Lua, the configuration file system in the β€œ.ini” format with JSON, and the specific binary resource formats with standard formats.

Storm game engine open source


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