Executioner, your time has come: the release trailer for DOOM Eternal has been released

Like was promisedOn March 12, the release trailer for the hotly anticipated shooter DOOM Eternal premiered. The video lasts a little over a minute and a half, but still manages to turn up the heat.

Executioner, your time has come: the release trailer for DOOM Eternal has been released

β€œIn this universe, there is only one dominant life form, and in her hand she has a steel sword of retribution. Become the Executioner of Doom and exterminate the demons on Earth and beyond. They are only afraid of… YOU,” reads the trailer description.

For those who are afraid to spoil their impression of the game, it is better not to watch the video: not only battles with numerous ordinary demons fit into the timing, but also several plot scenes and enemies of a more serious caliber.

In addition to frames from the game itself, the video shows laudatory quotes from journalists. IGN staff, for example, referred to DOOM Eternal as "ballet with bullets."

DOOM Eternal releases March 20 on PC (Steam, Bethesda.net), PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia. Digital game launch it will take place on consoles at midnight, on PC in two hours, and on the Google cloud service on March 21 at 00:01 Moscow time.

The shooter is already available to preload on Xbox One, while PC and PS4 users will have to wait a few more days: on these systems, the feature will start working 48 hours before the official release.

It will be possible to purchase the disc version of DOOM Eternal for PS4 and Xbox One on March 19 from 18:00 Moscow time: M.Video retail network will arrange early sales start in 15 cities of Russia.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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