The first Diablo is now available in the browser

Rivsoft has re-coded Blizzard's original Diablo (1996) and made it a browser game. How пишет portal PC Gamer, it can run anyone who wants. In the free version, the first 2 dungeons and one character class are available. The browser port is reportedly based on a "reverse engineered" source code and "contains all the bugs and bad code of the original game."

The first Diablo is now available in the browser

For full access, you will need to have a purchased game. To run the full version, the user needs to find the DIABDAT.MPQ file and drag it into the browser. Also, anyone can buy it in the store. GOG.

In March 2019, Diablo was released on the GOG store. The composition includes the classic version without changes (with a limit of 20 fps and multiplayer in and an updated version adapted for modern operating systems. The latter fixes several in-game bugs.


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