The first version of InfiniTime, firmware for PineTime open smartwatches

The PINE64 open source community has announced the release of InfiniTime 1.0, the official firmware for PineTime smartwatches. It is stated that the new firmware version allows you to consider the PineTime watch as a product ready for end users. The changelog notes a significant redesign of the interface design, as well as an improvement in the notification manager and a fix for the TWI driver, which previously caused crashes in games.

The PineTime watch was introduced in October 2019 and has evolved as a PinePhone compatible device. In September 2020, the free firmware InfiniTime, whose code is distributed under the GPLv3 license, was chosen as the default firmware for PinePhone. The device is based on the NRF52832 MCU (64 MHz) microcontroller and is equipped with 512KB system Flash memory, 4 MB Flash for user data, 64KB RAM, 1.3-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 240Γ—240 pixels, accelerometer (used as a pedometer), heart rate sensor and vibration motor. The battery charge (180 mAh) is enough for 3-5 days of battery life.

The InfiniTime firmware uses the FreeRTOS 10 real-time operating system, the LittleVGL 7 graphics library, and the NimBLE 1.3.0 Bluetooth stack. The firmware bootloader is based on MCUBoot. The firmware can be updated via OTA updates transmitted from a smartphone via Bluetooth LE. Gadgetbridge (for Android), Amazfish (for Sailfish and Linux) and Siglo (for Linux) applications can be used to control the watch on a smartphone and computer. There is experimental support for WebBLEWatch, a web application for synchronizing clocks from browsers that support the Web Bluetooth API.

The user interface code is written in C++ and includes features such as a clock (digital, analog), a fitness tracker (heart rate monitor and pedometer), showing event notifications on a smartphone, a flashlight, controlling music playback on a smartphone, displaying instructions from a navigator, a stopwatch, and two simple games (Paddle and 2048). Through the settings, you can determine the display turn-off time, time format, wake-up conditions, change the screen brightness, evaluate the battery charge and firmware version.

The first version of InfiniTime, firmware for PineTime open smartwatches

The author of the firmware reminds that in addition to InfiniBand, there are a number of alternatives, for example, there are firmware options based on the Zephyr, Mynewt OS, MbedOS, TinyGo, WaspOS (Micropython-based) and PinetimeLite (an extended modification of the InfiniTime firmware) platforms.

The first version of InfiniTime, firmware for PineTime open smartwatchesThe first version of InfiniTime, firmware for PineTime open smartwatches


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