First expansion for Metro Exodus coming this summer

First person shooter this summer Metro Exodus will receive the first of two planned story expansions, 4A Games has announced.

First expansion for Metro Exodus coming this summer

“We plan to release two story DLCs that tell completely new stories from the world of Metro,” the authors said. — Instead of Artyom, players will be able to look at the world through the eyes of a completely new character, as well as one of the rangers of Sparta, the only American in the crew of the Aurora, Sam. Both DLCs will be available through the Season Pass, or they can be purchased separately." The subscription price is $24,99.

The first expansion, titled The Two Colonels, will arrive this summer. We will be told about Colonel Khlebnikov from Novosibirsk, who is heading home to celebrate the New Year with his son, Kirill. Alas, things are getting worse in the Metro: rot is growing in the technical tunnels, mutants do not stop attacking, and stocks of drugs to protect against radiation sickness are running out. In addition to the new plot, the DLC will add another type of weapon - a flamethrower.

The second expansion, Sam's Story, will be released in early 2020. In it, we are waiting for a new open level, created based on Vladivostok. “Sam, a former marine guard at the US embassy in Moscow, has long dreamed of returning home, hoping that his family survived,” says 4A Games. “In the dark tunnels of the Metro, this dream seemed unattainable, but when the Spartans discovered that the inhabitants of Moscow were not the only survivors of the war, hope no longer seemed like a mere whim.” Leaving the Aurora train, the hero will reach the port facilities, industrial and residential areas of Vladivostok destroyed by the colossal tsunami.


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