Everyone will pay: buyers of Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 will still be left without a free upgrade to the PS5 version

Sony Interactive Entertainment provided the portal Kotaku official statement, which finally clarified the situation around the availability of Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered for owners of the original game.

Everyone will pay: buyers of Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 will still be left without a free upgrade to the PS5 version

We will remind, last week the director of development of Marvel Games Eric Monacelli (Eric Monacelli) saidthat buyers Marvel's Spider-Man PlayStation 4 players will not be able to upgrade their game to the PlayStation 5 remaster for free.

Now the Japanese platform holder has confirmed this information, and at the same time clarified: there are no plans to release Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered separately, not only for disk versionbut also digital.

Everyone will pay: buyers of Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 will still be left without a free upgrade to the PS5 version

Thus, the only way to get the updated Marvel's Spider-Man is as part of the complete edition of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which costs 5499 rubles.

At the same time, owners of the standard edition of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (4299 rubles) will be able to buy the remaster - the upgrade is priced at $20 (the difference between the full and basic versions).

Everyone will pay: buyers of Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 will still be left without a free upgrade to the PS5 version

At the same time, Sony Interactive Entertainment recalled that owners of the PS4 version of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales will still be able to upgrade their game to the PlayStation 5 edition for free.

Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered will offer all three expansion packs, enhanced graphics and animations, "near-instantaneous" downloads, and 60fps support. The re-release will be one of the projects of the PlayStation 5 launch lineup.


Source: 3dnews.ru

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