Firefox has a 5.9% share according to Cloudflare

According to Cloudflare Radar, Firefox's share rose to 5.9%, showing an increase of 0.1% in the last 7 days and 0.11% in a month. The share of Chrome is 30.3%, Chrome Mobile - 26.7%, Mobile Safari - 11.1%, Chrome Mobile Webview - 6.1%, Edge - 4.7%, Facebook - 3.4%, Safari - 3.4%. Firefox's growth is at odds with traditional counters such as Statcounter, which show Firefox's share is declining to 3%.

Firefox has a 5.9% share according to Cloudflare

The discrepancy is explained by the fact that Statcounter and similar accounting systems use JavaScript counters, which are blocked by Firefox's anti-code system to track user movements, while Cloudflare takes into account the contents of the User Agent header in its statistics. Accounting using the User Agent is also used in Wikipedia, according to statistics, the share of Firefox is 4.2%, Chrome - 20.2%, Chrome Mobile - 26.6%, Mobile Safari - 20.8%.


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