Winners of the Miro Platform Contest

At the beginning of November, we announced the open beta of the Miro platform, held a conference on platform development with JetBrains, Stripe and other companies (video of all reports), and also launched online competition for developers on creating plugins.

The competition is over! Engineers from Poland, Switzerland, Slovakia, Belarus, Lithuania, Russia and other countries took part in it.

Winners of the Miro Platform Contest

We are ready to announce the winners!

1st place and $10,000

Poker schedule by Pavel Schegolev and Anna Tomova
β€œThe Planning Poker Plugin is an addon that helps do estimations in a consensus-based, gamified technique. The plugin is a virtual analog of a real deck of cards for planning poker.”

2st place and $5,000

Estimate Plugin by Pavol Tanuska
β€œEstimate is a web-plugin that allows users to assign numeric estimates to the widgets on board. It offers a nice UI where the whole team can keep track of the estimate statistics. Data in different user sessions is synchronized in the real time via WebSockets.”

3st place and $3,000

Charts Import by Michael Kasza
β€œThis plugin allows to easily import charts data from spreadsheets/tables as charts in Miro.”

On the contest page You can look at other applications, the authors of which will also receive prizes.

This was our first experience of holding a competition for developers. Thank you very much everyone for your participation and support!


Our platform continues to evolve, beta applications are regularly created on it, and you too can join to our Slack community and create a collaboration app right now! Example applications and detailed documentation -


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