Why, according to statistics from Yandex and StackOverfow, C# programmers are the cheapest?

In general, Yandex statistics on salaries in IT in Russia were recently published here, and on StackOverfow you can look at the statistics on wages in the USA and here you can see a sad fact. Judging by the statistics, the salary of C# aka .NET developers is much lower than anything in Java and lower than in Python, JS and many others. Why does business value us less than others? Of course, I understand that there are lies, blatant lies and statistics. Yes, I myself earn more than these statistics. However, these figures did not fall out of the sky. Therefore, I wanted to create a poll on this topic.

My personal opinion is that C# is more than necessary, because in the area where it is mainly used, Java is needed. In addition, it is possible that a large layer of C # is involved in game development, where salaries are generally lower than in other areas. Welcome. I value your opinion on this matter. Seriously. In general, the C# language (for my taste of course) is pretty good. And I know many languages. Yes IMHO Haskell and Rust will be better. Why, the sibling of F# too. But against the background of Java, C ++, PHP and JavaScript, and even more so, God forgive me, Go, IMHO it is beautiful. The .NET platform is a little more than fully mature. There are enough frameworks and libraries for the eyes and for everything. + There are a lot of cool proprietary ones. This is not Rust where if you need something specific, then it most likely is not there or some library is gray in deep alpha. Yes, even for something ordinary. Perhaps the fact is that ASP.NET has not been very constant in recent years. Here is the hope that with the .net Core 3.0 version everything will settle down. Although I just like these frequent changes, but business go and prefer something permanent and unchanging

Why, according to statistics from Yandex and StackOverfow, C# programmers are the cheapest?

Why, according to statistics from Yandex and StackOverfow, C# programmers are the cheapest?

Links to data sources


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  • Gamedev spoils statistics

  • Overabundance of specialists

  • The qualifications of specialists in other languages ​​are on average higher

  • Other languages ​​are on average more useful for business

  • C# programmers are the most modest and generally mimimi and nyaya

  • Too frequent changes due to which the platform is in the eternal Beta Version and the business is afraid to mess with it

  • Hare stupid polls to arrange. Write code! πŸ™‚

  • Java, everything tasty goes there. We only have leftovers

  • Your choice in the comments

77 users voted. 36 users abstained.

Source: habr.com

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