"Post Bank" identifies users through the mobile application "Biometrics"

Post Bank became the first financial institution to introduce remote biometric identification of customers through a specialized application for mobile devices.

We are talking about the use of the Unified Biometric System (UBS). It allows individuals to carry out banking operations remotely. In the future, the scope of the system is planned to be significantly expanded.

"Post Bank" identifies users through the mobile application "Biometrics"

For remote identification of customers within the framework of the EBS, Rostelecom has created a mobile application called Biometrics. It is available in versions for operating systems Android ΠΈ iOS.

The application allows those who have previously submitted data to the Unified Biometric System to become a client of any bank without leaving their homes. In order to open an account or a deposit, apply for a loan, make a bank transfer, you need to log in to the public services portal and confirm your data in the EBS by saying a randomly generated numerical sequence.

"Post Bank" identifies users through the mobile application "Biometrics"

The Biometrics application allows you to record a short video for comparison with a template in the EBS. Information is encrypted and sent over secure communication channels. If the system identifies a person with a probability higher than 99,99%, he will gain access to financial services.

"Post Bank" identifies users through the mobile application "Biometrics"

β€œWith the launch of the Rostelecom application, all the possibilities and advantages of remote servicing using the Unified Biometric System are available to anyone, regardless of what OS their smartphone runs on,” Post Bank notes. 

Source: 3dnews.ru

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