Almost a man: Sberbank has an AI TV presenter Elena

Sberbank presented a unique development - a virtual TV presenter Elena, able to imitate the speech, emotions and manner of speaking of a real person (see video below).

Almost a man: Sberbank has an AI TV presenter Elena

The system is based on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The digital twin of the TV presenter is being developed by specialists from the Robotics Laboratory of Sberbank and two Russian companies, SRT and CGF Innovation. The first provides an experimental speech synthesis system based on artificial neural networks, and the second combines artificial intelligence methods and tools for creating photorealistic computer graphics.

Elena is able to generate full-fledged video and speech using only text. At the same time, the virtual TV presenter reproduces realistic facial expressions and demonstrates emotions.

Almost a man: Sberbank has an AI TV presenter Elena

“The scope of this technology is wide: corporate and mass communications, advertising, the creation of educational materials, social work with pensioners - up to use in household devices,” notes Sberbank.

Currently, work on the project is ongoing. The specialists intend to further improve the quality of facial expressions, expand the set of emotions, increase the resolution, etc. In addition, it is planned to create twins for autonomous operation in various devices. 


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