The results of the election of the leader of the Debian project have been summed up

The results of the annual Debian project leader election have been announced. 354 developers took part in the voting, which is 34% of all participants with voting rights (last year the turnout was 44%, the year before 33%). Three candidates for leadership took part in the elections this year. Jonathan Carter won and was re-elected to a third term.

Jonathan has been maintaining more than 2016 packages in Debian since 60, is involved in improving the quality of live images in the debian-live team, and is one of the developers of AIMS Desktop, a build of Debian used by a number of South African academic and educational institutions.

Felix Lechner and Hideki Yamane also competed for the leadership post. Felix develops the Lintian package verification system, is a member of the Golang, Perl and VOIP teams, and maintains 16 packages. Hideki has been a Debian developer since 2010, translating Japanese and maintaining about 200 packages, mostly related to fonts and the Ruby language.


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