Full-fledged pseudo-3D shooter for the terminal

A new version of a full-fledged pseudo-3D shooter for the Linux terminal has been released. The game is designed to be as close as possible to big games. Separately data (ascii textures, levels, etc.) that the engine loads. From the dependencies of the rendering library, the json parser, the testing system created by the developer, and the standard ncurses library.

The Ts3d game can offer the player:

  • beautiful (by the standards of ascii art and terminal) graphics
  • full-fledged shooter mechanics with shooting and enemies
  • 10 different levels
  • the ability to create your own levels, textures and other data without interfering with the code
  • user-friendly interface in the form of a simple menu
  • good documentation

The source codes are distributed under the MIT license.

Source: linux.org.ru

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