Stopped development of the Antergos distribution

Distribution founder Antergos объявил on the termination of development after seven years of work on the project. The reason for the termination of development is the lack of free time for the remaining maintainers to maintain the distribution at the proper level. It was decided that it is better to stop working at once at the stage while the distribution is fully functional and relevant than to doom the user community to gradual stagnation. Such a move will allow interested enthusiasts to use Antergos' developments to create new projects.

A final update is planned to be released soon, which will disable the Antergos-specific repositories. The packages developed by the project will be transferred to the AUR. Thus, existing users will not need to migrate to another distribution and will continue to receive updates from the regular Arch Linux and AUR repositories.

At one time, the project continued the development of the Cinnarch distribution after it was transferred from Cinnamon to GNOME due to the use of part of the word Cinnamon in the distribution's name. Antergos was built on the Arch Linux package base and offered a classic GNOME 2 style user environment, first formed using the GNOME 3 add-ons, which was then replaced by MATE (later, the ability to install Cinnamon was also returned). The goal of the project was to create a friendlier and easier-to-use edition of Arch Linux, suitable for installation by a wide audience of users.


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