Prince of Great Britain compared Fortnite to drugs and called for a ban on the game

Prince of Great Britain and Duke of Sussex Harry (Harry Charles Albert David) expressed his opinion on the popular battle royale Fortnite. He believes that the game should be banned because of children's widespread love for it. The prince compared the project to drugs and is concerned that parents are losing control over their children because of Fortnite.

Prince of Great Britain compared Fortnite to drugs and called for a ban on the game

As Express reports, a member of the royal family made this statement during a visit to the office of the Young Men's Christian Association in London. The message reads: β€œThe game [Fortnite] should be banned. Why is it needed? Such entertainment is addictive; people just want to spend more time on the computer. It's too irresponsible."

Prince of Great Britain compared Fortnite to drugs and called for a ban on the game

Prince Harry also mentioned the problem of social media being more addictive than drugs and alcohol. He called on parents to more actively monitor their children and encourage them to spend time outside the Internet. Previously, Fortnite was already in the crosshairs in the UK, when the divorce organization Divorce-Online published its statistics - in two hundred cases, the reason for the breakup of a marriage was the battle royale.


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