God of War has sold over 10 million copies

Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that, released in April 2018, God of War passed the mark of 10 million copies sold.

God of War has sold over 10 million copies

This was announced by Sony Interactive Entertainment President and CEO Jim Ryan at the presentation of Sony IR Day 2019. He provided data on sales of the God of War series, Uncharted and the first The Last of Us, showing progress compared to the previous generation of consoles.

God of War has sold over 10 million copies

Earlier, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that God of War sales had reached 3,1 million copies in the first three days, and managed to take the five millionth bar in a month. This means that the remaining 5 million have been sold since May 2018.

β€œHaving taken revenge on the gods of Olympus, Kratos lives in the realm of Scandinavian deities and monsters. In this harsh and merciless world, he must not only fight for survival on his own, but also teach this to his son ... Trying not to let him repeat the blood-stained mistakes made by the Ghost of Sparta himself.

This amazing re-imagining of the God of War story combines all the hallmarks of the iconic series - ferocious combat, epic boss fights and breathtaking scale - and backs them up with a powerful and moving story that brings new color to the world of Kratos.

God of War has sold over 10 million copies

God of War went on sale April 20, 2018 exclusively on PlayStation 4.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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