The Fedora Project warned about the removal of unmaintained packages

Fedora Developers published a list of 170 packages that remain unmaintained and are scheduled to be removed from the repository after 6 weeks of inactivity if a maintainer is not found for them in the near future.

The list contains packages with libraries for Node.js (133 packages), python (4 packages) and ruby ​​(11 packages), as well as packages such as gpart, system-config-firewall, thermald, pywebkitgtk, ninja-ide, ltspfs , h2, jam-control, gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd, gnome-dvb-daemon, cwiid, dvdbackup, Ray, ceph-deploy, ahkab and aeskulap.

If these packages are left unaccompanied, they will also be subject to deletion Packagesdependencies associated with them.


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