GloDroid project develops Android 10 edition for PinePhone, Orange Pi and Raspberry Pi

Developers from the Ukrainian division of GlobalLogic are developing the project GloDroid with mobile platform edition Android 10 from the repository AOSP (Android Open Source Project) for platforms based on Allwinner processors supported by the project SUNXI, as well as for Broadcom platforms. Supported by installation on Pinephone smartphone, Pinetab tablet, Orange Pi Plus 2, Orange Pi Prime, Orange Pi PC/PC 2, Orange Pi 3, Orange Pi WIN and Raspberry Pi 4B boards.

The project tries to stick to the original version of Android available in the AOSP repository as much as possible, ensure the latest version of Android is shipped, and use only open source drivers, including GPU and VPU drivers. There are no ready-made assemblies yet - the user is offered based on the proposed manuals and scripts build boot environment yourself based on Android 10.0 rev39 code, Linux 5.3 kernel, u-boot 2019.10 and Mesa drivers.

Previously, for Allwinner H3 and H2 + boards, builds from the project were already assembled H3Droid, but they were based on an outdated branch of Android 4.4, which is incompatible with many modern Android applications, and has not been updated for over a year.


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