The KDE project has set development goals for the next few years

The KDE Akademy 2022 conference set new goals for the KDE project, which will be given increased attention during development in the next 2-3 years. The targets are selected based on a community vote. Past goals were set in 2019 and included implementing Wayland support, unifying apps, and tidying up app distribution tools.

New goals:

  • Availability for all categories of users. Particular attention is planned to be paid to the development of tools for people with disabilities, taking into account the needs of this category of users and testing the suitability of the implementation for real use.
  • Designing applications with an environmental impact in mind - in addition to issues such as free license, usability of the interface, performance and customization, when developing applications, it is proposed to pay attention to energy consumption. More optimal use of CPU resources will reduce energy consumption, which indirectly affects the environment (energy production is identified by eco-activists with the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the impact on global warming).
  • Automating and systematizing internal processes, modernizing the organization of quality control and reducing the dependence of processes on individuals.


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