Entropy protocol. Part 1 of 6. Wine and dress

Hey Habr! Some time ago, I posted on Habré the literary cycle "Programmer's Nonsense". The result, it seems, turned out to be more or less not bad. Thanks again to everyone who has left kind reviews. Now, I want to publish a new work on Habré. I wanted to write it somehow in a special way, but everything turned out as always: beautiful girls, a little homegrown philosophy and very strange things. Vacation time is in full swing. I hope this text will give the readers of Habr a summer mood.

Entropy protocol. Part 1 of 6. Wine and dress

I'm afraid of your lips, for me it's just death.
In the light of a night lamp, your hair is crazy.
And I want all this forever, forever I leave,
Only how to do it - because I can not live without you.

Group “White Eagle”

First day of vacation

In a country park, a pretty girl in high-heeled sandals was balancing on a fallen tree. The halo from the sun ran right through her hair and her hair glowed from the inside with a bright orange hue. I took out my smartphone and took a picture, because it was stupid to miss such beauty.

“Well, why do you take pictures of me all the time when I’m so shaggy?”
“But now I know why your name is Sveta.

I smiled, took Sveta off the tree and showed her the photo. Due to the optical effects of the camera, the light around the hairstyle has become even more mesmerizing.

“Listen, I didn’t know your phone could take pictures like that. He must be very expensive.

For a second, my thoughts went in a completely different direction. I thought to myself. "Yes, too expensive." Well, Sveta said:

Today is my first day of vacation!
- Wow!!! So we can fool around all day today? Why don't you come over to my place tonight and we can arrange a particularly unusual date?
“Okay…” I reply, trying to look as calm as possible, even though my heart skipped a few beats.
— Do you have any interesting wishes? - Sveta smiled slyly and somehow strangely waved her hand in the air.

My throat suddenly started tickling for no reason. With difficulty thinking and overcoming a cough, I answered hoarsely:

Wine and dress...
— Wine and dress? And all??? It's curious.
- Well, yes…

We chatted in the park for a couple more hours, and then parted with the firm intention of meeting again at nine in the evening at her place.

I felt guilty before Sveta. Formally, I really had the first day of vacation. But a vacation is considered to be a certain predictable period of time after which a person returns to work. I didn't want to go back to work. I had no intention of going back at all. I decided to disappear from this world. Disappear in the informational sense.

The winged swing

It's already evening and I'm standing in the courtyard of Sveta's house in full accordance with the plans. A strange coincidence, but Sveta's apartment was in the area of ​​​​my childhood. Everything here is painfully familiar to me. Here is a swing with a bent iron seat. There is no second seat, the hinged sticks just hang in the air. I don’t know if these swings were once serviceable, or were they already built like that? After all, twenty years ago, I remember them exactly the same.

It's still fifteen minutes to nine. I sit down on the bent seat and, with a rusty creak, begin to sway to the beat of my thoughts.

In accordance with physical and mathematical calculations, I should have disappeared from the world information flow in a place with the highest entropy. Sveta's apartment was best suited for this :) It was hard to find a bigger mess in our city.

Usually people know something they know from their future, but something they don't. This half-knowledge is evenly distributed from the present moment to old age. Not so with me. I knew for sure, in the smallest detail, what would happen to me in the next three hours, and after that I knew absolutely nothing. Because in three hours I'll be out of the information perimeter.

Information Perimeter - this is how I called the mathematical construction, which will soon make me free.

It's time, in a few moments I'll knock on the door. From the point of view of information theory, the programmer Mikhail Gromov will enter the entropy gateway. And who will come out of the airlock in three hours is a big question.

Wine and dress

I enter the entrance. Everything is like everywhere else - broken-down shields, mailboxes, heaps of wires, carelessly painted walls and metal doors of a wide variety of designs. I go upstairs and ring the doorbell.

The door opens and I can't say anything for a while. Sveta stands in the opening and holds a bottle in her hand.

- That's how you wanted ... Wine.
- And what is this ... - a dress? I carefully look at the Light.
“Yes—what do you think it is?”
- Well, this is better than a dress ..., - I kiss her on the cheek and go into the apartment.

Underfoot is a soft carpet. Candles, Olivier and glasses of ruby ​​wine on a small table. “Scorpions” from slightly wheezing speakers. I think that this date was no different from the hundreds of others that probably took place somewhere nearby.

After some endless time, we, undressed, lie right on the carpet. From the side, the heater barely shines dark orange. The wine in the glasses turned almost black. It got dark outside. You can see my school from the window. The school is all in darkness, only a small light is shining in front of the entrance, and a watchdog LED is blinking nearby. Now there is no one in it.

I look at the windows. Here is our classroom. I once brought a programmable calculator here and right at recess I entered the tic-tac-toe program into it. It was impossible to do this in advance, since when it was turned off, all memory was erased. I was very proud that I managed to make the program one and a half times shorter than in the magazine. And besides, it was a more advanced “to the corner” strategy, as opposed to the more common “to the center”. Friends played and, of course, they could not win.

Here are the bars on the windows. This is a computer class. This is where I first touched a real keyboard. These were "Mikroshi" - an industrial version of "Radio-RK". Here I worked late into the programming circle and gained the first experience of friendship with computers.

I always entered the computer room with a change of shoes and ... with bated breath. It is correct that there are strong bars on the windows. It seems to me that they protect not only computers from the ignorant, but also something much more important ...

Gentle, barely perceptible touch.

- Misha ... Misha what are you ... hung up. I'm here.
I shift my gaze to Light.
- I'm so ... Nothing. I just remembered how it all was ... Sveta, will I go to the bathroom?

Reset to factory settings

The door to the bathroom is the second barrier of the gateway and it is important to do everything right. I discreetly take a bag of things with me. I close the door with a latch.

I take my smartphone out of the package first. With a pin, which was found under the mirror, I pull out the SIM card. I look around - somewhere there should be scissors. The scissors are on the shelf with the laundry detergent. I cut the sim card right in the middle. Now the smartphone itself. Sorry friend.

I hold the smartphone in my hands and try to break it. I feel like I'm the only person on earth who has even tried to do this. The smartphone does not lend itself. I press harder. I'm trying to break through the knee. The glass cracks, the smartphone bends and breaks. I pull out the board and try to break it in places where the chips are soldered. I came across a strange structural element, it did not give in for the longest time, and I involuntarily drew attention to it. None of my knowledge of computer technology was enough to understand what it is. Some strange chip without marking and with a reinforced case. But now there was no time to think about it.

After some time, the smartphone with the help of arms, legs, teeth, nails and nail scissors turned into a bunch of objects of indefinite shape. The same fate befell the credit card and other equally important documents.

In a moment, all this is sent through the sewerage system into the boundless ocean of entropy. Hoping that all this was not very noisy and not very long, I return to the room.

Confession and communion

“Here I am, Svetik, sorry it’s been so long. More wine?
- Yes thank you.

I pour wine into glasses.

- Misha, tell me something interesting.
- For example?
“Well, I don’t know, you always talk so interestingly. Oh - you have blood on your hand ... Be careful - it drips right into the glass ...

I look at my hand - it looks like I got hurt while I was dealing with a smartphone.

Let me change your glass.
“No, it’s better with blood…” I laugh.

Suddenly I realized that this is possibly my last normal conversation with a person. There, beyond the perimeter, everything will be completely different. I wanted to share something very personal. Finally, tell the whole truth.

But I couldn't. The perimeter will not close. It was also impossible to take her with him outside the perimeter. I have not been able to find a solution to the equation for two people. It probably existed, but my mathematical knowledge was clearly not enough.

I just stroked her magical hair.

“Your hair, arms, and your shoulders are a crime, because you can’t be so beautiful in the world.

Sveta, besides her hair, has very beautiful eyes. When I looked into them, I thought that perhaps there was an error in my calculations. What can there be laws stronger than mathematics.

Not finding the right words, I drank wine from a glass, trying to taste the blood. And the confession did not work out and the communion was somehow strange.

Door to nowhere

The moment of the final closing of the perimeter was also calculated and known. This is when the front door slams behind me. Up to this point, there was still an option to return.

The light bulbs didn't work and I went down to the exit in the dark. How will it be, and what will I feel at the moment of closing? I cautiously grabbed the front door and walked out. The door creaked gently and closed.


I am free.

I think before me many tried to erase their identity. And, perhaps, some of them more or less succeeded. But for the first time this was done not at random, but on the basis of information theory.

Just don’t think that it’s enough to smash a smartphone on a concrete floor and throw documents out the window. It is not that simple. I have been preparing for this for quite a long time, both theoretically and practically.

To put it simply, I absolutely merged with the crowd, and it was just as impossible to distinguish me from it, as, for example, it is impossible to open a modern strong cipher. From now on, all my actions for the outside world will look like random events without any causal relationship. It will be impossible to compare them and link them into some kind of logical chains. I am and exist in the entropy field below the level of interference.

I found myself under the protection of forces more powerful than bosses, politicians, army, navy, internet, military space forces. From now on, my guardian angels were - mathematics, physics, cybernetics. And all the forces of hell were now helpless before them, like little children.

(to be continued: The Entropy Protocol. Part 2 of 6. Beyond the Noise Band)

Source: www.habr.com

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