A split in the community of the free game engine Urho3D led to the creation of a fork

As a result of controversy in the Urho3D game engine developer community (with mutual accusations of "toxicity"), the developer 1vanK, who has administrative access to the repository and the project forum, unilaterally announced a change in development course and reorientation to the Russian-speaking community. Since November 21, notes in the list of changes began to be published in Russian. The release of Urho3D 1.9.0 is marked as the last English release.

The reason for the changes is the toxicity of the English-speaking community members and the lack of willing to join the development (this year, almost all the changes were added by the maintainers). The project domain (urho3d.io) continues to be owned by the former maintainer (Wei Tjong), who has retired from development since 2021.

In the meantime, the developers of the experimental fork of rbfx (Rebel Fork Framework) announced the first interim release, noting that the main idea is implemented and the framework is usable. This fork continues the development of Urho3D, but with some radical changes in the structure of the project. Among the most significant changes in rbfx are highlight reworked rendering with PBR support, replacing the Bullet physics engine with PhysX, redesigning the GUI subsystem using Dear ImGUI, removing bindings to Lua and AngelScript.

Also in response to the ongoing crisis in the Urho3D community, a more conservative fork was formed - U3D, based on the latest stable release of Urho3D. In response, the Urho3D maintainer advised to fork an earlier release, as he expressed doubts about the ability of the fork author to independently support the binding generator developed in new releases of Urho3D. He also expressed skepticism about the possibility of developing a fork in practice, since before that the author of the fork did not take part in the development and published only raw and semi-working changes, shifting it to others to bring them to readiness.

The Urho3D engine is suitable for creating 2D and 3D games, supports Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS and Web, and allows you to create games in C++, AngelScript, Lua and C#. The principles of using the engine are close enough to Unity, which allows developers familiar with Unity to quickly master the use of Urho3D. Features such as physically based rendering, simulation of physical processes and inverse kinematics are supported. For rendering, OpenGL or Direct3D9 is used. The project code is written in C++ and distributed under the MIT license.

Source: opennet.ru

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