Understanding Latin abbreviations and phrases in English

Understanding Latin abbreviations and phrases in English

A year and a half ago, reading papers about vulnerabilities Meltdown and Specter, I caught myself not really understanding the difference between abbreviations ie и eg Those. the context seems to be clear, but then it seems to be somehow not quite right. As a result, I then made myself a small cheat sheet for these abbreviations, so as not to get confused. And that's when the idea for this article was born.

Time has passed, I have collected a collection of Latin words and abbreviations encountered in English sources, and today I am ready to share it with Habra readers. It is worth noting that many of these phrases are also actively used in academic literature in Russian, but in English they are frequent guests even in mass sources. I hope that this selection will be useful to people who are not engaged in scientific work in a Russian-speaking environment, but often come across more or less serious texts in English, where Latin inclusions can be confusing.

Common abbreviations and expressions

etc. - Et cetera, "etc." It is read in Latin - [ˌɛt ˈsɛt(ə)ɹə], and, unlike most other abbreviations, it is often used in oral speech. You can learn pronunciation in an excellent way Elenore by The Turtles - the only song with etc. in the text that hit the charts.

♫Elenore, gee I think you're swell
♫And you really do me well
♫You're my pride and joy, etc.

et al. - et alii, "and others", read as it is written [ɛtˈɑːl]/[ˌet ˈæl]. Almost always refers to people (to shorten the list of authors in the body of the work), rarely can mean other places in the text (lat. and alibi) when reviewing. In very rare cases, it is used in the meaning of "etc." (lat. et al).

Note that these countermeasures only prevent Meltdown, and not the class of Specter attacks described by Kocher et al. [40].
Note that these countermeasures only prevent Meltdown and are ineffective against the Specter attacks described by Kocher et al. [40].

Understanding Latin abbreviations and phrases in English

ie - id est, "in the sense", "that is". Read either as an abbreviation for IE ([ˌaɪˈiː]) or simply as that is.

To prevent the transient instruction sequence from continuing with a wrong value, ie, '0', Meltdown retries reading the address until it encounters a value different from '0' (line 6).
To prevent continuation of execution of the transitional sequence of instructions with an incorrect value, i.e. with "0", Meltdown tries to read the address again until it finds a value other than "0" (line 6). (Here, “invalid value” means only and exclusively “0”, and the chapter itself is called The Case of 0 - “The Case of Zero”).

see - videre licet, "namely". Most of the time it reads like namely or to wit. From ie differs in that ie is a clarification, see – obligatory exhaustive reference to the object(s) after the declaration of its/their designation/list. Some sources consider it obsolete ie; Indeed, in the works of the second half of the XNUMXth century see much more common than today.

Since this new class of attacks involves measuring precise time intervals, as a partial, short-term, mitigation we are disabling or reducing the precision of several time sources in Firefox. This includes both explicit sources, like performance.now(), and implicit sources that allow building high-resolution timers, see,SharedArrayBuffer.
Because this new class of attack involves accurate time measurement, as a partial workaround, we are disabling or reducing the accuracy of some time sources in Firefox. Among them are both explicit sources like performance.now() and indirect sources that allow you to create high-resolution timers, namely SharedArrayBuffer.

eg - exemplar gratia, "for example", "in particular". Reads like for example, less often as the abbreviation EG. Unlike the previous two abbreviations, it is used just as an example, and not a listing of all values.

Meltdown does not exploit any software vulnerability, ie, it works on all major operating systems. Instead, Meltdown exploits side-channel information available on most modern processors, eg, modern Intel microarchitectures since 2010 and potentially on other CPUs of other vendors.
Meltdown does not exploit any software vulnerabilities, i.e. works on all major operating systems. Instead, it uses side-channel information available on most modern processors, in particular Intel microarchitecture since 2010, and possibly other manufacturers' CPUs.

Note - nota bene, "note". Written in capital letters.

vs., v. - versus, "against", [ˈvɝː.səs]. It is noteworthy that the borrowed word in Latin had a different meaning - "direction after a sharp turn." Medieval philosophers used the phrase versus Deus in constructions like “Petya robbed cows all his life, and when he was caught and sentenced to the gallows, he turned sharply to God».

c., cca., ca., circ. - about, "about" relative to dates. Pronounced [ˈsɝː.kə].

and following the best practices - “special”, “situational”, “temporary”, literally translated “for this”. Denotes something that solves a specific, maximally narrow and often urgent task. Can be used in the meaning of "crutch".

This observation led to a proliferation of new Specter and Meltdown attack variants and even more and following the best practices defenses (eg, microcode and software patches).
This observation has led to the rise of new variants of the Specter and Meltdown attacks and even more ad hoc defense solutions (in particular, microinstruction systems and patches).

If you don't have a capacitor to use as a bypass, you may omit it as an and following the best practices solution.
If you don't have a decoupling capacitor, you can do without it as a temporary crutch.

ad lib - shorthand for ad libitum, "at will", "impromptu". Denotes spontaneity, improvisation, a sudden idea. From and following the best practices more freedom. Those. “Our riser broke, the emergency gang promised to come in an hour, we had to fence the construction of buckets” - ad hoc. “I forgot to buy sour cream for dumplings, so I tried mayonnaise” - ad lib.

I forgot my script, so I spoke ad lib
I forgot the lyrics so I improvised

Understanding Latin abbreviations and phrases in English

[so] - "so in the original." In academic texts, it means the original spelling (in dialect, obsolete, typographical error, etc.). With the rise of social media, it has become widespread as a mockery of errors and typos in tweets and other posts (“look what a fool!”).

Understanding Latin abbreviations and phrases in English
Newly elected President Donald Trump risked further straining relations between the US and China when he tweeted on Saturday accusing China of a "presidential [sic] act" of hijacking an unmanned US submarine this week.

Abbreviations in bibliographic references and footnotes

ibid., ib. - ibid, ibid. (about the source);
Id. - Idem, the same (about the author). By strict rules ibid. literally means "there" - in the same source on the same page - and does not require additional clarification, but Id. points to another place in the same source and is always followed by a page number (or passim). In reality, many authors use only ibid. and quietly supply it with new pages.

on. cit. - opera citato, "cited work". Replaces the title of an article or book when ibid. not suitable, because between the mentions of the same work, others have wedged (for example, in footnotes); written after the author's name:

Understanding Latin abbreviations and phrases in English

cf. - check - "cf.", "compare". Unlike see indicates a different point of view for greater objectivity (see example above).

passim - "everywhere". It is used when it is not possible to specify a specific page in the source, because the idea / information you are looking for permeates it through and through.

Understanding Latin abbreviations and phrases in English

et seq. - et sequences - "and further" about the pages in the source.

f. и off. - folio - another option "and further", is placed immediately after the page number without a space. One f. means one page, two off. - an indefinite number of pages. off. quite popular in German, because it is similar to fortfolgende - "following".

Note: Modern English does not recommend using et. seq. and ff., it's better to specify the page range directly.

Rarely used abbreviations

info и sup. - infra, supra – see below and see above, respectively.

loc. cit. - loco citato - analogue ibid.

SC - scilicet - "that is", analogue see

qv - quod video - "see", "look". Always points to another place in the same work; in its classical form, it is self-sufficient, because assumes that the reader himself will find the desired chapter. In modern language it is preferable to use see with the exact indication of what to watch.

sv - sub verbo - essentially like this <a href> to hypertext, points to a specific dictionary entry, the exact name of which immediately follows the abbreviation.

And a bit more

QED - quod erat demonstration – “which is what was required to be proved”.

sl - meaningful summer - "in a broad sense".

ss - strict sense - "in the strict sense."

verbatim - "literally", "verbatim".

Source: habr.com

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