Glibc developers are considering ending the transfer of rights to the code to the Free Software Foundation

Key developers of the GNU C Library (glibc) have put forward a proposal to end the mandatory transfer of ownership of the code to the Free Software Foundation. By analogy with the changes in the GCC project, Glibc proposes to make the signing of a CLA agreement with the Open Source Foundation optional and provide developers with the opportunity to confirm the right to transfer code to the project using the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) mechanism.

In accordance with the DCO, author tracking is done by attaching the line "Signed-off-by: name and email of the developer" to each change. By attaching this signature to the patch, the developer confirms his authorship of the transferred code and agrees to its distribution as part of the project or as part of the code under a free license. Unlike the actions of the GCC project, the decision is not brought down by the governing council from above, but is first put up for discussion with all representatives of the community.


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