openSUSE developers discuss deprecation of ReiserFS support

Jeff Mahoney, Director of SUSE Labs, has submitted a proposal to the community to remove support for the ReiserFS file system from openSUSE. Motives cited include a plan to remove ReiserFS from the core core by 2025, the stagnation associated with this FS, and the lack of resiliency capabilities offered by modern FSs to protect against corruption in the event of a crash or compromise.

It is proposed to immediately remove the reiserfs package from the openSUSE Tumbleweed repository and disable the Linux kernel implementation of ReiserFS. For those who have partitions with ReiserFS to access data, it is suggested to use the FUSE frontend for reiserfs from GRUB. It is noteworthy that in 2006 Jeff Mahoney was the initiator of deprecating ReiserFS in openSUSE by default. SUSE stopped supporting ReiserFS 4 years ago.


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