The development of the dstat utility has been discontinued due to dissatisfaction with the actions of Red Hat

Developer of a utility for monitoring the state of the system, developed since 2004 dstat, which offered a universal and more functional replacement for vmstat, iostat, mpstat, netstat and ifstat utilities, сообщил about the termination of the development of the project due to a name conflict caused by the actions of Red Hat. Motivation vanished after Red Hat decided to replace dstat a new utility of our own design (from the set Performance Co-Pilot), proposed under the same name.

The author of dstat sees no more sense in developing the project and does not intend to fight a multi-billion dollar corporation, proving the unethical nature of creating competing products under the same name. All reports of problems and errors in the original dstat are now suggested to be directed to Red Hat.
Over 40 previously open issue reports are closed with a note that Red Hat should be contacted for a fix.


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