Rating of popularity of programming languages ​​and DBMS in 2019

Company TIOBE ΠΎΠΏΡƒΠ±Π»ΠΈΠΊΠΎΠ²Π°Π»Π° programming language popularity rating for 2019. Java, C, Python and C++ remain the leaders. Compared to the revision of the rating published a year ago, the rating of C # (from 7 to 5), Swift (from 15 to 9), Ruby (from 18 to 11), Go (from 16 to 14) and D (from 25 to 17). The decrease in popularity is observed for JavaScript (from 6 to 7), Visual Basic (from 5 to 6), Object-C (from 10 to 13), Assembler (from 14 to 15), R (from 12 to 18) and Perl (from 13 to 19). In absolute terms, among the top 20, only C, Python, C#, and Swift are growing in popularity.

Rating of popularity of programming languages ​​and DBMS in 2019

The TIOBE popularity index does not try to find the best programming language by the largest number of lines of code written, but builds its arguments for changing interest in languages, based on the analysis of search query statistics in systems such as Google, Google Blogs, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, MSN , YouTube, Bing, Amazon and Baidu.

Rating of popularity of programming languages ​​and DBMS in 2019

For comparison, in the January update of the rating PYPL, which uses Google Trends, compared to January 2019, Kotlin moves from 15th to 12th position (Kotlin takes 35th place in the TIOBE ranking), Go from 17th to 15th place (14th place in TIOBE), Rust from 21st to 18th place (in TIOBE 30th place), Dart from 28th to 22nd place (in TIOBE 22nd place). The popularity of Ruby (from 12th to 14th place), Scala (from 14th to 16th), Perl (from 18th to 19th), Lua (from 22nd to 25th) decreased. Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, PHP and C/C++ are consistently leading the ranking.

Rating of popularity of programming languages ​​and DBMS in 2019

In addition, updated DBMS popularity rating, which publishes DB-Engines. According to the calculation method, the DBMS rating resembles the TIOBE rating of programming languages ​​and takes into account the popularity of queries in search engines, the number of results in search results, the volume of discussions on popular discussion platforms and social networks, the number of vacancies in recruitment agencies and mentions in user profiles.

An increase in popularity over the year is noted for the Elasticsearch DBMS (from 8th to 7th place). The popularity of Redis is falling (from 7th to 8th place). Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MongoDB remain in the lead.

Rating of popularity of programming languages ​​and DBMS in 2019

Source: opennet.ru

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