5.0 Visualization Library Release

A new release of the 5.0 Python library is available, providing tools for data visualization and various types of statistics. For drawing, the plotly.js library is used, which supports more than 30 types of 2D and 3D graphs, charts and maps (the result is saved as an image or HTML file for interactive display in the browser). The code is distributed under the MIT license. 5.0 Visualization Library Release

The new release has dropped support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, and now requires at least Python 3.6 to run. Changes that break compatibility have been made, including removing a large portion of deprecated features, changing default values, and deprecating support for Internet Explorer 9/10 browsers. The Plotly.js library has been updated from version 1.58.4 to 2.1. Implemented a new addition for integration with JupyterLab. Performance increased by 5-10 times when serializing data in JSON format. The ability to fill bar charts with textures has been added and a new type of charts has been proposed - "icicle", a rectangular analogue of pie charts for a visual assessment of differences in the size of values. 5.0 Visualization Library Release 5.0 Visualization Library Release


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