Manjaro Linux 21.0 distribution release

The Manjaro Linux 21.0 distribution, built on Arch Linux and aimed at novice users, has been released. The distribution is notable for the presence of a simplified and user-friendly installation process, support for automatically detecting hardware and installing the drivers necessary for its operation. Manjaro comes in live builds with KDE (2.7 GB), GNOME (2.6 GB) and Xfce (2.4 GB) desktop environments. With the participation of the community, builds with Budgie, Cinnamon, Deepin, LXDE, LXQt, MATE and i3 are further developed.

To manage repositories, Manjaro uses its own toolkit BoxIt, designed in the image of Git. The repository is maintained on the principle of continuous inclusion of updates (rolling), but new versions go through an additional stage of stabilization. In addition to its own repository, there is support for using the AUR repository (Arch User Repository). The distribution is equipped with a graphical installer and a graphical interface for system configuration.

Main innovations:

  • The major edition shipped with the Xfce-based user environment has been migrated to use the Xfce 4.16 release.
  • The GNOME-based edition has discontinued the GNOME Initial Setup wizard, which had received mostly negative user reviews. As with the previous release, GNOME 3.38 continues to ship. Improved support for PipeWire media server.
  • The KDE-based edition offers a new release of the Plasma 5.21 desktop and uses a new implementation of the Application Launcher.
  • The Linux kernel has been updated to release 5.10.
  • Added recommendations to the Calamares installer for choosing preferred languages ​​and keyboard layouts based on the user's GeoIP location.


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