The release of the Slax 15 distribution, which returned to the Slackware package base

Slax 15, a compact live distribution, is released, notable for the return to the use of the Slackware project developments. The last release of Slax based on Slackware was formed 9 years ago. In 2018, the distribution was moved to the Debian package base, the APT package manager, and the systemd init system. The graphical environment is based on the FluxBox window manager and the xLunch desktop/program launcher interface, specially developed for Slax by the project members. The boot image is 250 MB (x86_64).

At the same time, a corrective release of the Debian-based branch, Slax 11.4, was formed, which includes the package updates proposed in Debian 11.4. The Slax 11.x branch builds are prepared for the x86_64 and i386 architectures.

The release of the Slax 15 distribution, which returned to the Slackware package base


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