The release of the Diamond Casino and Resort add-on helped set a new attendance record in GTA Online

Launching the add-on Diamond Casino and Resort for GTA Online proved to be extremely successful. Rockstar Games Company saidthat on the day of the release of the update, July 23, a new record for the number of users was set. And also the entire week after the release was marked by the highest number of visits since the launch of GTA Online in 2013.

The release of the Diamond Casino and Resort add-on helped set a new attendance record in GTA Online

The developers did not specify whether we are talking about simultaneous online or total attendance for 24 hours and seven days. In any case, the success is phenomenal for a six-year-old project. This popularity can be explained by the fact that the Diamond Casino and Resort add-on added a lot of entertainment to GTA Online. A casino has opened in the center of Los Santos where users can spend money on gambling, new clothes, betting and the like.

The release of the Diamond Casino and Resort add-on helped set a new attendance record in GTA Online

The update also provides the opportunity to purchase a penthouse directly in the casino building. The in-game website lists the privileges for owners of such properties. Among other things, after buying an apartment, the player opens another round of the plot in GTA Online, introducing new characters.


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