Release of Electron 10.0.0, platform for building applications based on the Chromium engine

Prepared platform release electron 10.0.0, which provides a self-contained framework for developing multi-platform user applications based on Chromium, V8 and Node.js components. Significant version number change due to upgrade to codebase Chromium 85, platforms Node.js 12.16.3 and JavaScript engine V8 8.5.

Π’ new release:

  • Added the contents.getBackgroundThrottling() method and the contents.backgroundThrottling property.
  • The main process has access to the desktopCapturer module.
  • Added ses.isPersistent() method to define persistent sessions.
  • Resolved network issues preventing RTC connections from being made
    due to IP address change.

  • Disabled by default is the "remote" module, which is an IPC mechanism for interaction between the rendering process of the current page and the main process.
  • The app.allowRendererProcessReuse parameter has been changed to true by default, which prevents context-aware modules from being loaded during the rendering process.
  • Added by setting disableDialogs to disable dialog boxes completely.
  • Built-in PDF viewer included pdfium.

Recall that Electron allows you to create any graphical applications using browser technologies, the logic of which is defined in JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and the functionality can be extended through the system of add-ons. Developers have access to Node.js modules, as well as an extended API for creating native dialogs, integrating applications, creating context menus, integrating with the notification display system, manipulating windows, and interacting with Chromium subsystems.

Unlike web applications, Electron-based programs are delivered as self-contained executables that are not tied to a browser. At the same time, the developer does not need to worry about porting the application for various platforms, Electron will provide the ability to build for all systems supported in Chromium. Electron also provides facilities to organize automatic delivery and installation of updates (updates can be delivered both from a separate server and directly from GitHub).

Of the programs built on the basis of the Electron platform, one can note the editor Atom, email clients nylas ΠΈ mailspring,, tools for working with Git GitKraken, WordPress Desktop blogging system, BitTorrent client WebTorrent Desktop, as well as official clients for services such as Skype, Signal, Slack, Basecamp, Twitch, Ghost, Wire, Wrike, Visual Studio Code and Discord. Total in the catalog of programs Electron is presented about 850 applications. To simplify the development of new applications, a set of standard demo applications, which includes code examples for solving various problems.


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