Erlang/OTP release 25

After a year of development, the functional programming language Erlang 25 was released, aimed at developing distributed fault-tolerant applications that provide parallel query processing in real time. The language has become widespread in such areas as telecommunications, banking systems, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. At the same time, the release of OTP 25 (Open Telecom Platform) was released - an accompanying set of libraries and components for developing distributed systems in the Erlang language.

Main innovations:

  • Implemented a new construct "maybe ... end" for grouping multiple expressions in one block, similar to "begin ... end", but not resulting in the export of variables from the block.
  • Added support for selective feature activation, allowing you to test and incrementally introduce new and potentially interoperable language and runtime features without breaking existing code. Features can be enabled and disabled at compile time or by using the feature() directive in code files. For example, to enable a new maybe expression in your code, you can specify "feature(maybe_expr,enable)".
  • The JIT compiler implements optimizations based on data type information and adds support for 64-bit ARM (AArch64) processors. Improved support for the perf and gdb utilities, which provide the transfer of information about line numbers in the code.
  • A new peer module has been added with functions to run related Erlang nodes. After the control connection to the node is lost, the node is automatically terminated.
  • Added support for OpenSSL 3.0.
  • Added functions groups_from_list/2 and groups_from_list/3 to the maps module to group the list of elements.
  • The uniq/1, uniq/2, enumerate/1 and enumerate/2 functions have been added to the lists module to filter out duplicate elements in a list and generate a list of tuples with element numbers.
  • The rand module implements a new very fast pseudo-random number generator.


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