NetworkManager 1.38.0 release

A stable release of the interface is available to simplify network settings - NetworkManager 1.38.0. Plugins to support VPN, OpenConnect, PPTP, OpenVPN and OpenSWAN are developed within their own development cycles.

Key innovations in NetworkManager 1.38:

  • The logic for choosing the source address has been redesigned when there are several IP addresses on the network interface. The rules for determining precedence for IPv6 addresses have been brought into line with the rules previously used for IPv4. For example, if there are several addresses on the network interface that have the same metrics, the address specified first will receive higher priority (previously, the last address was chosen for IPv6). Statically assigned addresses always take precedence over automatically configured addresses.
  • When setting up Wi-Fi, the use of frequencies that are not allowed in the user's country has been stopped (previously, all frequencies supported by the equipment were shown in the list, but attempts to use unlicensed frequencies were blocked at the kernel level).
  • In the implementation of the access point, a random selection of the frequency band (channel number) is provided to reduce the likelihood of collisions. Removed the ability to enable unsupported SAE mode (WPA3 Personal).
  • The capabilities of the "nmcli radio" command, used to disable transmitters (transfer to "flight" mode), have been expanded. When run with no arguments, the command lists the radio devices on the system, such as wireless modems or Wi-Fi adapters. In the new version, when displaying rfkill settings, an explicit indication of the absence of physical wireless equipment is provided.
    NetworkManager 1.38.0 release
  • Added a warning to nmcli about the use of the WEP algorithm, which has security issues and is disabled by some distributions in the wpa_supplicant package. When building wpa_supplicant without WEP support, the corresponding diagnostic information is output.
    NetworkManager 1.38.0 release
  • The reliability of the network connection health check has been improved and the correct handling of the situation when several addresses are returned when resolving the name of the checked host has been ensured.
  • A "migrate" operation has been added to the "nmcli connection" command to make it easier to migrate the system from using the legacy ifcfg settings format (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*, used in Fedora Linux) to a keyfile-based format.
  • Added support for routes with the "throw" type.
  • Added an empty "null" cryptobackend that does nothing when processing certificates for 802.1x profiles.
  • To manage virtual ethernet adapters (Veth), udev rules are involved, which made it possible to establish network management in LXD containers.
  • Hostnames obtained via DHCP are now truncated to the first dot in the name, and names that are too long are truncated to 64 characters.


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