Release of Valgrind 3.15.0, a toolkit for identifying problems when working with memory

Available Release Valgrind 3.15.0, a toolkit for memory debugging, memory leak detection, and profiling. Valgrind is supported for Linux (X86, AMD64, ARM32, ARM64, PPC32, PPC64BE, PPC64LE, S390X, MIPS32, MIPS64), Android (ARM, ARM64, MIPS32, X86), Solaris (X86, AMD64) and macOS (AMD64) platforms .

Π’ new version:

  • Much redesigned and extended the DHAT heap profiling tool (Dynamic Heap Analysis Tool), allowing Track all requests for heap allocations and look for resource leaks, excessive heap activity, unused memory allocations, short-lived allocations, and inefficient heap allocation. From the category of experimental developments, DHAT is included in the regular Valgrind toolkit (to start, you now need to use the "--tool=dhat" option instead of "--tool=exp-dhat").

    The most notable improvement was the addition of a graphical user interface to DHAT. In addition, after the traced program ends, DHAT now displays only a minimal summary of the most important information, and writes a full report with profiling data to a file. Data is no longer grouped into records, but stored as stack trace trees. The number of measurements carried out has been expanded and additional categories of monitored parameters have been added. To view the recorded report, a special viewer dh_view.html is proposed, launched in a web browser;

    Release of Valgrind 3.15.0, a toolkit for identifying problems when working with memory

  • For amd64 (x86_64) systems, extended RDRAND and F16C instruction sets are supported;
  • Cachegrind and Callgrind offer a new "--show-percs" option that adds display of counter values ​​as a percentage;
  • Massif for Linux, Android, and Solari has "--read-inline-info" enabled by default, while macOS still requires explicit "--read-inline-info=yes";
  • In Memcheck, when specifying the "--xtree-leak=yes" option (output memory leak results in xtree format), the "--show-leak-kinds=all" option is now automatically enabled. Work has been done to prevent false positives;
  • Added "--show-error-list=no|yes" option, as well as "-s" option equivalent to "--show-error-list=yes" to display a list of detected errors after execution is complete. Previously, such a list was displayed in the verbose output mode "-v -v", but the output in this mode was littered with a large amount of redundant information.


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