Release of programming language Perl 5.32.0

After 13 months of development took place release of a new stable branch of the Perl programming language - 5.32. In preparation for the new release, about 220 thousand lines of code were changed, the changes affected 1800 files, and 89 developers took part in the development. Simultaneously announced the transfer of Perl development and bug tracking to the platform GitHub.

Branch 5.32 is released in accordance with the fixed development schedule approved seven years ago, which implies the release of new stable branches once a year and corrective releases every three months. The first corrective release of Perl 5.32.1 is scheduled to be released in about a month, fixing the most significant bugs identified during the implementation of Perl 5.32.0. Along with the release of Perl 5.32, support for the 5.28 branch was dropped, which can only be updated in the future if critical security issues are identified. The development process of the 5.33 experimental branch has also begun, on the basis of which the stable release of Perl 2021 will be formed in June 5.34.

Key changes:

  • Added infix operator "isa' to check if an object is an instance of the specified class or a class derived from it. For example "if( $obj isa Package::Name ) { ... }". The operator is currently marked as experimental.
  • The ability to combine comparison operators in chains, which allow you to compare several values ​​at once, provided that operators with equal precedence are used. For example, the chain "if ( $x < $y


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