Rolling Rhino, a script to use rolling updates in Ubuntu

Martin Wimpres (martin wimpress), holding a post of the director on development of desktop systems in Canonical, prepared shell script rolling rhinoceros, which allows you to create a kind of rolling-update system based on Ubuntu, which can be useful for advanced users or developers who need to keep abreast of all changes. Script automates transition of installations of experimental releases of Ubuntu to use devel branches of repositories, which build packages with new versions of applications (synchronized with Debian Sid/Unstable).

Conversion Supported daily experimental builds with Ubuntu Desktop, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Budgie, MATE, Studio, and Xubuntu, which currently reflect development progress on the upcoming Ubuntu 20.10 release. To switch to rolling mode, just run the proposed script:

git clone
cd rolling rhino

Rolling Rhino 🦏
[+] INFO: lsb_release detected.
[+] INFO: Ubuntu detected.
[+] INFO: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS detected.
[+] INFO: Detected ubuntu-desktop.
[+] INFO: No PPAs detected, this is good.”
[+] INFO: All checks passed.
Are you sure you want to start tracking the devel series? [Y/N]


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