Rolls-Royce relies on small nuclear reactors to produce synthetic fuel

Rolls-Royce Holdings is promoting nuclear reactors as the most efficient way to produce carbon-neutral synthetic aviation fuel without putting significant strain on global electricity grids.

Rolls-Royce relies on small nuclear reactors to produce synthetic fuel

Based on technology developed for nuclear submarines, small modular reactors (SMRs) can be located at individual stations, according to CEO Warren East. Despite their small dimensions, they will supply large volumes of electricity necessary for the synthesis of hydrogen used in the process of producing synthetic aviation fuel.

According to the forecast of the head of Rolls-Royce, in the coming decades, synthetic fuels and biofuels will become the main source of power for the next generation of aircraft engines until the emergence of all-electric alternatives. The reactors that could power the hydrogen production process are so compact that they could be transported on trucks. And they can be placed in buildings that are 10 times smaller than a nuclear power plant. The cost of electricity generated with their help will be 30% lower than using a large nuclear installation, which is comparable to the price of wind energy.

Speaking at a briefing at London's Aviation Club, Warren East said Rolls-Royce, Europe's largest jet engine maker, would work with petrochemical specialists or alternative energy startups to create new technology.


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