Today CoD: Modern Warfare will receive the revived Vacant, Shipment arenas and the old Cranked mode

Today Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will receive the last major patch before the holidays. The first season of the shooter does not stop development and brings new game materials to users.

Today CoD: Modern Warfare will receive the revived Vacant, Shipment arenas and the old Cranked mode

Activision has confirmed that the classic maps from Call of Duty 4, Vacant and Shipment, will be added this week in a redesigned look. In traditional multiplayer modes, both maps will be available, while in Gunfight mode, only a smaller version of Shipment will be available.

Debuted in Call of Duty: Ghosts Cranked mode also returns this week. It is a more dynamic version of Team Deathmatch where players are given 30 seconds to complete a kill or they will explode.

Spec Ops mode will receive new content in the form of the Strongbox special operation and two classic missions: Disinform and Bomb Squad.

Nikto will be added to the alliance operatives today. It's essentially the equivalent of Mara, but unlike Mara, it's not part of the Battle Pass. Instead, it will be available as part of a bundle for 2400 CP.

The patch rollout will begin today at 21:00 Moscow time. In addition, a surprise gift awaits users in the Just For You section of the store. Double Weapon XP will also be active throughout the weekend, starting Friday at 21:00 AM PDT.


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