EPEL 8 repository with packages from Fedora for RHEL 8 formed

Project WARM (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux), maintaining a repository of additional packages for RHEL and CentOS, commissioned repository option for distributions compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Binary builds are made for the x86_64, aarch64, ppc64le and s390x architectures.

At this stage of development of the repository is presented about 250 additional packages maintained by the Fedora Linux community (depending on user requests and maintainer activity, the number of packages will expand). About 200 packages are associated with the supply of additional modules for Python.

Suggested applications include: apachetop, arj, beecrypt, bird, bodhi, cc65, conspy, dehydrated, sniff, extundelete, freeze, iftop, jupp, koji, kobo-admin, latexmkm, libbgpdump, liblxi, libnids, libopm, lxi- tools, mimedefang, mock, nagios, nrpe, open-sendmail, openvpn,
pamtester, pdfgrep, pungi, rc, screen, sendemail, sip-redirect, sshexport, tio, x509viewer, as well as about a dozen modules for Lua and Perl.

Source: opennet.ru

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