The next Windows 10 update will make Google Chrome better

The Edge browser has struggled to compete with Chrome in the past, but with Microsoft joining the Chromium community, Google's browser may receive additional improvements that will make it even more attractive to Windows users. The source says that the next major Windows 10 update will improve Chrome integration with the Action Center.

The next Windows 10 update will make Google Chrome better

There are currently a number of issues in the Windows 10 Action Center that make it difficult to handle multiple notifications in both Google Browser and Edge.

It is expected that in the next major Windows 10 update, problems with the integration of Chrome and Edge browsers with the OS notification center will be resolved. The fixes are expected to be included in the Windows 10 May 2020 Update, which is expected to arrive later this month. Microsoft is currently testing these updates, but they have not yet become available even to Insider program members.

It is worth noting that Microsoft developers have already contributed to optimizing the operation of Chromium-based browsers in the Windows 10 operating system. For example, they reworked the energy saving function for the new Edge, optimizing it. Since Chromium is an open source project, the improvements that Microsoft brings to its browser can be used by Google in the Chrome browser.


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