Rumors: the announcement of Silent Hill may take place at the postponed presentation of games for the PlayStation 5

Well-known insider Dusk Golem claims that the new Silent Hill may be shown at the upcoming PlayStation 5 game show when it takes place. Unfortunately, Sony Interactive Entertainment transferred him for an indefinite period due to pogroms in the United States.

Rumors: the announcement of Silent Hill may take place at the postponed presentation of games for the PlayStation 5

Rumors about the development of a new Silent Hill have been circulating for several months, despite the fact that Konami has denied them. Presumably, the game will be a "soft" restart and reintroduce gamers to the franchise. According to Dusk Golem, Silent Hill is being developed by Japan Studio (which is owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment) and is being directed by series creator Keiichiro Toyama. The project will be exclusive to the PlayStation 5 and is already in a state where it can be launched.

In addition, he once again mentioned another major horror franchise, Resident Evil. As Dusk Golem said, the announcement of Resident Evil 8 was supposed to take place at E3 2020, but the exhibition was postponed, so it is now unclear when Capcom will show the game. However, he believes that the show will take place this month or until September at the latest, since the project will be released on current and next generation consoles.


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