Media: in early June, Sony will introduce games for the PlayStation 5, and the console itself - a little later

Some time ago, Venture Beat journalist Jeff Grubb рассказалthat Sony will hold its own PlayStation 4 event on June 5. According to the reporter's later statements, the event should check in display of many games. However, now part of Sony's plans have changed, as Jeff Grubb wrote in your latest post.

Media: in early June, Sony will introduce games for the PlayStation 5, and the console itself - a little later

The journalist said that the PS5 demo will not take place in June, as it was postponed for several weeks. The reporter does not know the exact date of the console show, but in August Sony should hold the next edition of State of Play, where the audience will be presented with projects for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. According to Grubb, the PS5 presentation will take place before this broadcast, which means somewhere in July or a little later.

Media: in early June, Sony will introduce games for the PlayStation 5, and the console itself - a little later

According to the journalist, Sony did not completely cancel the June 4 event. The company prepared materials for games for the PlayStation 5, and not only from internal studios. The postponement of the presentation date may cause complications in terms of agreements with publishers and developers who were counting on demonstrating their future projects at the beginning of the summer. According to Grubb, Sony will still hold an event on June 4, but it will be entirely devoted to games for the next generation console. There has been no official information about this.


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