The community continued to develop the Antergos distribution under the new name Endeavor OS

Found a group of enthusiasts who picked up the development of the Antergos distribution, the development of which was discontinued in May due to the lack of free time for the remaining maintainers to maintain the project at the proper level. The development of Antergos will be continued by a new development team under the name Endeavor OS.

For loading prepared by first build of Endeavor OS (1.4 GB) provides a simple installer to install a basic Arch Linux environment with a default Xfce desktop and the option to install one of 9 generic desktops based on i3-wm, Openbox, Mate, Cinnamon, GNOME, Deepin, Budgie and KDE.

The environment of each desktop corresponds to the standard stuffing offered by the developers of the selected desktop, without additional pre-installed programs that are recommended for the user to choose from the repository to their taste. Thus, Endeavor OS allows the user to easily install Arch Linux with the necessary desktop in the form in which it was conceived by its developers.

Recall that at one time the Antergos project continued the development of the Cinnarch distribution after it was transferred from Cinnamon to GNOME due to the use of part of the word Cinnamon in the name of the distribution. Antergos was built on the Arch Linux package base and offered a classic GNOME 2 style user environment, first formed using the GNOME 3 add-ons, which was then replaced by MATE (later, the ability to install Cinnamon was also returned). The goal of the project was to create a friendlier and easier-to-use edition of Arch Linux, suitable for installation by a wide audience of users.


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