A Canonical employee presented miracle-wm, a composite manager based on Wayland and Mir

Matthew Kosarek from Canonical presented the first release of the new composite manager miracle-wm, which is based on the Wayland protocol and components for building Mir composite managers. Miracle-wm supports tiling of windows in the style of the i3 window manager, the Hyprland composite manager and the Sway user environment. The project code is written in C++ and distributed under the GPLv3 license. Finished assemblies are generated in snap format.

Among the functionality offered in the first release of miracle-wm, we mention tiled window management with the ability to leave stylish gaps between windows, the use of virtual desktops, support for reserving screen areas for placing panels, the ability to expand windows to the full screen, support for multi-output ), navigation and control using the keyboard. Waybar can be used as a panel. Configuration is done through a configuration file.

A Canonical employee presented miracle-wm, a composite manager based on Wayland and Mir

The ultimate goal of the project is to create a composite server that uses tiled windowing, but is more functional and stylish than projects like Swayfx. It is expected that miracle-wm will be useful for those users who prefer visual effects and brighter graphics with smooth transitions and colors. The first release is positioned as a preview version. The next two releases will also have this status, after which the first stable release will be formed. To install miracle-wm, you can use the command β€œsudo snap install miracle-wm β€”classic”.

The next version plans to add support for floating overlapping windows, changing settings without restarting, options for customizing the screen, the ability to pin to a specific location on the desktop, IPC I3 support, highlighting active windows. Next, preparations will begin for the first release, which will implement support for animation effects, stacked window layout, overview mode for navigating windows and desktops, and a graphical interface for configuration.

Source: opennet.ru

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