eBPF Foundation established

Facebook, Google, Isovalent, Microsoft and Netflix have formed a new non-profit organization, the eBPF Foundation, created under the auspices of the Linux Foundation and aimed at providing a neutral platform for the development of technologies related to the eBPF subsystem. In addition to expanding capabilities in the eBPF subsystem of the Linux kernel, the organization will also develop projects for wider use of eBPF, for example, creating eBPF engines for embedding in applications and adapting kernels of other operating systems for eBPF.

eBPF provides a bytecode interpreter built into the kernel, which makes it possible, through user-space loaded handlers, to change the behavior of the system on the fly without having to change the kernel code, which allows you to add efficient handlers without complicating the system itself. Including on the basis of eBPF, you can create network operations handlers, manage bandwidth, control access, monitor system activity, and perform tracing. Thanks to the use of JIT compilation, bytecode is translated into machine instructions on the fly and executed with the performance of native code. eBPF is used in Facebook's load balancer and is the basis of Google's Cilium isolated container network subsystem.

Source: opennet.ru

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