Detective Pikachu creators troll audience by posting 'full movie' on YouTube

Movie Pokemon. Detective Pikachu was uploaded in full on YouTube just a few days before it premiered in theaters - at least Warner Bros. I wanted the audience to think that way. What appears to be a scam account that downloaded all 102 minutes of the PokΓ©mon movie and ruined the box office chances turned out to be a highly successful marketing stunt worth taking a look at.

Detective Pikachu creators troll audience by posting 'full movie' on YouTube

A video titled Pokemon Detective Pikachu: Full Picture was uploaded on Tuesday by a user named "Inspector Pikachu", who also made a publication on Twitter. Actor Ryan Reynolds, who voiced Pikachu in the film, then reposted the tweet at home.

The joke reveals itself very quickly: after the Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures and The PokΓ©mon Company disappear, the "movie" shows us Ryme City. Protagonist Tim Goodman is walking alone through the streets of the city before something catches his attention: it's Pikachu, who dances incendiary. His dance is looped for about 100 minutes. This video contains only 32 seconds of the real film about Detective Pikachu.

Detective Pikachu creators troll audience by posting 'full movie' on YouTube

At the time of writing, this video was opened by more than 4,6 million viewers. It is unlikely that many will be ready for 1 hour and 40 minutes to watch this dance session, but it is worth noting that the furry Pikachu from the movie looks great. "Pokemon. Detective Pikachu will hit theaters in the US on May 10th.

Detective Pikachu creators troll audience by posting 'full movie' on YouTube

By the way, Sony has actually made such a mistake before, by posting a whole movie on YouTube instead of a trailer. And later "The Lego Movie" broadcast free of charge in this service as an advertisement for the second part.

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